Distractive Driving: Victims Can Suffer Serious Injuries and Even Die

 Distractive Driving: Victims Can Suffer Serious Injuries and Even Die

Every driver is expected to be alert at all times. Unfortunately, others tend to multitask and allow themselves to be distracted, putting the lives of other road users in danger. Because of distracted driving, victims can sustain catastrophic injuries. If you have been hurt in a car accident that resulted from another party’s distractive driving behavior, you can be eligible for compensation. An Auto accident lawyer near me can help you get the compensation you can use for paying for your medical bills, as well as covering lost wages, and pain and suffering. Driver distractions come in many forms including the following:

Not Focusing on the Road

When driving a vehicle, a driver should have all her two years on the road. Thus, they have to constantly check rear-view or side-view mirrors. This way, they will know that they have to react to something, such as stopping for oncoming traffic, avoiding a pothole, or slowing down to give way for a merging vehicle ahead of them. If a driver is visually distracted, they won’t be able to steer their vehicle correctly. Also, visual distraction will make it impossible for them to follow a curving path of the road. This form of distracted driving includes texting while driving, talking to a passenger in the back seat, and looking at people on the side of the street. 

Drivers Who Take the Steering Wheel Seriously 

A car has a steering wheel to ensure proper navigation. It lets a driver point which direction they want their vehicle to travel in. Also, it allows them to turn their car. If the steering wheel is pointed in the wrong direction, the car may run off the road, hit a pedestrian, or run into a building. Even taking one hand off the steering wheel could result in the driver losing control of it and the vehicle. When behind the wheel, every second matters, especially when it comes to controlling the car and preventing a collision. A driver may take their hands off the steering wheel if they eat or drink, put on makeup, or play do their hair. 

Drivers Who Take their Driving Lightly

Drivers should concentrate on the act of driving, so they can react to changes in traffic, keep control of their cars in inclement conditions, and stop for pedestrians. Although they could be looking at the road, they could collide with other drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists. Examples of this form of driving distraction include talking with passengers, listening to music, and daydreaming. 

Danny White