World Heart Day: Tips for a Healthy Heart
Our lifestyles have undergone a significant change over the last few decades. This change has put our health in the backseat while our work, food and other factors are driving our lives. The youth and young children are preferring junk food over healthy foods. Moreover, the lack of healthy eating habits is further worsened by leading a sedentary lifestyle.
The year 1999 marked the establishment of World Heart Day by the World Heart Federation (WHF) in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO). Initially, this day was celebrated on the last Sunday of September each year (until 2010) after which 29th September is reserved as World Heart Day. It is celebrated with an intent to create awareness regarding cardiovascular diseases, including its prevention and impact around the globe.
Cardiovascular diseases which include ailments like heart attacks and other heart diseases are among the number one cause of death globally. With alarming numbers, it is increasing the necessity to amend our lifestyle and reduce the gruesome impact of cardiovascular diseases.
A health insurance plan comes handy in addressing the financial difficulties during times of heart ailments, but for a sustainable approach, we need to make changes in our lifestyle. Here are a few ways how we can care for our heart –
Regular exercise
Health professionals advise engaging in physical activities that increase heart rate. This can include aerobic exercises for at least five times a week. It will help in improving blood circulation and keeping blood pressure levels in check. Cycling, running, swimming, playing a sport are some activities that will aid a healthy lifestyle while caring for the heart. Some may prefer resistance training and visiting the gym, which can have similar effects.
Maintaining a balanced diet
As essential it is to exercise regularly, it is equally important that the body meets its nutritional requirements. A balanced diet can fulfil the nutritional requirement of the body. It is a misconception that all fats are unhealthy. In fact, unsaturated fats are critical for good health. The saturated fats are something that needs to be avoided reducing the risk of heart diseases. Also, whole grains can reduce the blood pressure and cholesterol levels as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients.
Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables and reducing the salt intake can lower the risk levels of cardiovascular diseases. However, it isn’t advisable to eliminate salt too. Lastly, limiting the amount of sugar helps in keeping a check on the heart condition.
Avoid Smoking
With smoking, the chances of diseases like cancer or lung diseases increase. Moreover, it causes damage to the circulatory and respiratory system of the body. It eventually results in hardening of the arteries, thereby creating a blockage for the normal blood flow.
Control the Cholesterol levels
The human body has two types of cholesterol – LDL and HDL. While HDL is known as the ‘good’ cholesterol, increase in LDL cholesterol can cause blockage in the arteries due to plaque build-up. It constricts the diameter of the arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow. Keeping a check periodically will help to monitor the cholesterol levels and take preventive action if required.
While the factors mentioned above are controllable and can be monitored, sometimes cardiovascular ailments are hereditary in nature. At such times, availing health insurance plans for family is the safest bet. Here not only you, but your family also is covered for any heart condition.
Online premium calculator is a handy tool to estimate premiums when selecting coverage and adding necessary add-ons. Also, it aids in effective comparison among the different insurance policies available. So make sure you take advantage of the health insurance premium calculator tools that are available for free and make the best choice in selecting a health insurance policy to keep your heart healthy.