Managing the Company in the Right Pattern
Each company should integrate a process approach to ensure its proper functioning and improve performance. However, the deployment of a process management project can quickly get bogged down due to internal brakes. To prevent the approach from running out of steam over time, it is necessary from the start to acquire the right reflexes and adopt the right tools to ensure the support of all stakeholders in the project. You need the best network infrastructure setup for this task.
How to structure the actions linked to the deployment of the process approach?
It is tempting to rely on existing office tools to document the process approach, especially in the initial phase of the project. However, the lack of structure and methodology can quickly impact costs and time: are you using the right tools? Any efficient process management system requires scalable and agile tools that allow rapid process implementation and clear information transmission to stakeholders. There are dedicated solutions that facilitate process mapping and management.
In order for the process approach to remain alive and credible in the long term, it is necessary to ensure that the areas for improvement raised by the field are heard and that appropriate responses are put in place. Have you thought of ways to monitor and respond to them effectively and methodically? It is essential to carry out regular and precise monitoring of key performance indicators in order to identify avenues for process optimization. You will thus gain in agility and efficiency in your continuous improvement process.
Finally, you have certainly identified all the trades concerned by each process to involve them in their modeling. But have you planned regular actions to support and coordinate them over the long term, effectively?
The process management is a key element of the approach. It allows you to put in place all the necessary actions to ensure that business processes are followed and respected by the interested parties.
What communication around the process management project?
We can easily concentrate on the heart of the project and forget that the involvement of the Management, and more generally of the strategic functions of the company, is crucial. Everyone must be convinced of the value of a process approach: do you know how to approach and convince these strategic sponsors? The best way to involve them and make them aware of the process approach is to show them the resulting value creation: optimization of the customer experience, increase in customer satisfaction, better efficiency, impact on the strategic objectives of the company.
For the process management project pilots and the most involved participants, the progressions and information that results from it may seem crystal clear. However, what about the other stakeholders and more generally all employees?
It is important that the progress of the process approach is transparent for everyone and that everyone understands its importance and its added value. For this, it is necessary to master the messages associated with the process: do you know which main principles of internal communication to divert? The message should mainly focus on how the approach facilitates the achievement of objectives and improves performance for all trades within the company.