5 Reasons Why Newton is Your Key to Sales Promotions

Nothing attracts customers’ attention like a well-strategized sales promotion. It provides tremendous advantages for both shoppers and businesses as the former gets to save money on purchases while the latter gets to earn a profit.

Discount labels, coupons, and freebies are some of the popular sales promotions that will turn the head of consumers. These deals are just too hard to pass up, and since buyers do not know when the next sale will be, they often try to take advantage of existing promos as much as they can.

However, their shopping experience can be negatively affected by legacy systems that make the process too inconvenient. Paper labels sometimes provide insufficient information or display inaccurate prices. Some consumers have experienced picking up a mislabeled product only to find out at the cashier that it is not part of the sales promotion.

Businesses must shore up their operations by automating their system. Electronic shelf labels (ESLs) have revolutionized the retail industry, enabling establishments to streamline processes while providing an excellent customer experience. They replace manual labeling systems that slow down operations and are often prone to human error.

Electronic shelf label companies are becoming more competitive than ever with the changing landscape of the modern market. Their digital price tag display technology continuously evolves to keep up with new trends and practices.

As one of the leading players in this industry, SoluM provides its innovative Newton system to upgrade a business’s sales promotions. With Newton’s features, retail companies will have a competitive edge over other market players. It enables better operation, dynamic pricing, and better customer services that maximize the return of investment (ROI).

The Newton system gives establishments the best of both worlds as it meets the demand for better customer experience while improving productivity in business operations.

For more information on why Newton is the key to enhancing sales promotions, an infographic from SoluM is provided below.


5 Reasons Why Newton is Your Key to Sales Promotions

Paul diverson