15 Must Do’s When Improving Team Efficiency
Most of the time, a company’s success can be credited to its employees. Contrary to popular belief, management isn’t the sole reason why businesses flourish. Not to discredit effective leaders, but a group of loyal, highly-skilled, and happy employees is a must-have for both management and the company itself.
Making a team that’s efficient is easier said than done. Most of the time, leaders who don’t understand team dynamics create strife within a group. Despite positive outcomes, people aren’t happy, and the positive effects are short-lived and temporary.
If you’re a leader and you’re new to improving your team’s efficiency, don’t fret. There are lots of ways to improve your team. It’s also worth noting that the tips mentioned below will not only affect your group but will enhance your skills as a leader as well. Without further ado, here are 15 must-do tips if you want to improve your team’s efficiency:
Assembling the Team
Of course, a leader will need help in assembling an efficient team. To do that, he needs to work with human resources to choose the most qualified and skilled people to come on board. Leaders should also note that a team shouldn’t be all skill and talent. Attitude should also play an essential role in creating a productive workforce.
Knowing the Difference Between Boss and Leader
As we all know, morale is an integral part of any workforce. Without confidence, a team will collapse and lose all interest in work, regardless of the repercussions. It’s also a known fact that work can get hard and stressful for a lot of people.
In times of great stress, leaders will get to the very core of the issue and try to resolve it with his or her team. Bosses, on the other hand, will add to the pressure, hoping and demanding for a positive outcome. When you know the difference between a leader and a boss, your team will immediately notice and reciprocate.
Time Awareness
Instilling a “sense of urgency” within a team is a great way to improve efficiency. When a team knows that each task is of utmost importance, no time is wasted in completing that task. In case a job requires a lengthy amount of time and effort to finish, using the Tomato Timer method can be an effective way to do it.
For example, if a task needs around 2 hours to finish, a team needs to divide the 2 hours into more manageable periods of 25 minutes each. Those who use the Pomodoro method also have 5-minute breaks to avoid stressing out too much.
Skills Improvement
Workers who feel stagnated are often unhappy with work and tend to resign. To avoid this, management and the company should choose worthy team members to undergo skills improvement or acquisition.
Resolve Conflict
Leaders should always try to help resolve conflict within a team, whether personal or not, as soon as possible. Failure to address conflict can prolong it and will only result in irreparable damage to team chemistry. Unresolved conflicts can be the cause of inefficiency.
Setting Goals
A team should know what they’re working for and how it will affect them. Of course, experienced leaders should understand that these goals should be attainable. It’s good to be optimistic, but sometimes, being realistic is just as important.
Defined Roles
Each member of a team should know what their roles are and how crucial they are to the success of the team and company. When workers know their roles, they can better focus on their tasks. Being clear on who does what also avoids confusion when carrying out tasks.
Celebrating Milestones
Working too much can be a bad thing for your workers. To avoid excess stress, it’s good to celebrate once a while. You can celebrate a birthday, or if your team has hit a goal or is performing above expectations.
Maintain Respect
A team will work efficiently if everyone in it is friendly and optimistic. However, respect should always be maintained to keep everything professional. Remember, work is work; anything else should be set aside.
Workers who want to improve on their craft will want feedback. Of course, those who are assigned to give feedback should be in charge. Giving feedback enables workers to know what to improve on and what to avoid.
Offer Assistance
Whenever someone is having trouble with their tasks, always be ready to lend a hand. You never know if someone is going through something, and a few pats on the back might just be what they need right now.
Involving Everyone
When it comes to the team, every member wants their opinion to be valued as well. A good way to make team members feel valued is by listening to them. Try to involve them in important decisions and make it a team effort.
A team that can’t communicate with each other is destined to fail. Communication should always be one of the prioritized aspects when it comes to creating and improving the workforce. Without communication, problems won’t be solved, and no work can get done at all.
Work-friendly Atmosphere
Your team should have access to every tool they need to carry out their jobs properly. It’s also good if an office has a de-stressing area where people can gather and take short breaks.
Team Buildings
These small gatherings can be a great way to build chemistry between team members. Team buildings can also function as a way to release stress, celebrate victories, or just hang out and be friends with each other.
Building the most efficient team is difficult but not impossible. The tips mentioned above will significantly improve your team’s morale. You might not notice it, but your team will also help you develop your leadership skills.