Why you should avoid destination bucks parties

 Why you should avoid destination bucks parties

So, your mate is getting married and you have been asked to be the best man. It sounds flattering; of all the people in his life your friend is trusting you to help him take the most important step in his life. It’s a great honor to be best man, you get to plan the bucks party. It would be easier if that was all you needed to do. It would be even less stressful if money wasn’t an issue but it often is, especially in these times of Corona. There are a hundred things that could go wrong especially if you choose to ignore all the great bucks party venues Melbourne and go to another country.  

Destination bucks party

Destination bucks parties were popular in 2018 and 2019. They pretty much stopped in 2020. With travel restrictions lifted and vaccines becoming available you might think that going overseas is a great idea. If you live travelling, there are a lot of countries with beautiful babes, cheap bear and entry of activities to do over a weekend. However, you still need to organise flights, accommodation, food and activities. If you are planning on a wild party then you have to make sure that when you get into the bucks party shenanigans you don’t find yourself in the wrong side of the law. Getting locked up in foreign country where few people speak English is no joke.

Keep it local. 

Melbourne is a great city. It is popular for its night life and the strip clubs are legendary. There is no reason why you should even be thinking of Prague, Bosnia, Havr or any of those eastern European countries a lot of bucks party planners are always trying to sell. Staying local means spending less money. You don’t have to fly anywhere, just hire a party bus-with strippers or get a boat ride – with strippers or get a taxi to a strip club to see strippers. Why the fixation on strippers? Because there is no point in having a bucks night out without strippers; every great anecdote about boys behaving badly in bucks party venues Melbourne features a stripper at some point. 

Australia’s sin city

Melbourne is often called the Sin City of Australia. It wears this title with pride. You can tell that from the number of strip clubs, night clubs, pubs and dive bars that line up the streets. Unlike most cities, Melbourne’s adult entertainment centre sits right inside the Central Business District. You can virtually walk from one club to another.

Now back to the subject of hot babes and cheap drinks:  Cut the costs and reduce the stress of being responsible for everything and everyone by booking a bucks night Melbourne package. A lot of Melbourne’s Gentlemen’s clubs offer this. What it means is that you will know exactly how much a couple of hours will cost you at a strip club, gets your mates to pay in advance so you can pay the club. Everyone gets the VIP treatment when they are part of a package but the groom to be gets the ultimate VIP treatment. When the night is done, you all get on a party bus or taxis and return to your warm cosy beds. 

Danny White